Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Creative Indulgence Design Group

Don't you hate it when you go into a store (online or brick and mortar) looking for something semi-specific, and they don't carry it? "Specialty" stores are great when you're looking for that specialty, but they fall short when you want items to coordinate. Personally, I find this more of a frustration than a benefit. (Scroll to the bottom for a full list of makers).

This is one of my most motivating factors in creating new items for my shop. I don't want people to open up my Etsy and be like "Ooooo I love the feathers on that hat! Why aren't there any hairpieces made that way?" or "That fabric flower is SO cute! I wish there was a hat/shirt/cup corset/something to match it!" Yeah... I've been there. It's the worst. It seriously took me days to find a shirt to match a pair of adorable sandals I bought. You have no idea how much that nagged at me. First world problems at their best, people.

Anyway.... But I can't make everything. I mean, I don't have interest in making a lot of crafts, to be honest. There's other stuff I've tried that is just not my forte, like crocheting. The tediousness of that task is mind-numbing to me. There's again other things that I know someone who does it so well (crocheting falls into this category as well) that there's not much of a point in me doing it. 

That last category is what brings me to my point- Etsy is great, but how do you know which sellers are good and which are not? How do you know who really puts time into their items and who couldn't care less? You don't. You can read reviews and stuff, but you don't really know who you're buying from.

Being a part of the crafting community means you know crafters. You work with them, buy from them, trade with them, and make friends with them. You idolize some and help others. Most importantly, involved members of that community get to know other involved members, and when they have great talents, items, and dedication, they can offer awesome things.

This is what we're doing. We started Creative Indulgence Design Group because, for almost a year, we've all been able to work together successfully and beneficially. Each of us has mad respect for the other crafters we work with and support them in the ways we can, be it a purchase or a Facebook status share. We offer items all across the board- from women's and children's clothing to lip balm, crochet items to soaps. But we're each our own, independent shops.

This remains true, but now we have a place to show you what we've got, give you amazing deals for being great clients, and get to know you better- We have Creative Indulgence Design Group. Daily Deals will occur every week, and we'll have fun games or event right about once a month. Most importantly, as an amazing handmade shopper, this makes your life easier. Join the group, turn on notifications, and collect totally unique, quality handmade items for gifts and for yourself. Here are our makers- 

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