Friday, July 11, 2014

Inexpensive DIY Wall Hang

I don't know about you, but I love things that hang on the wall. Candle holders, canvases, framed photos... Love. It. All. 

I also really enjoy mixing mediums and creating unique, fun pieces that I can cycle through displaying in my home. In order to make new pieces frequently, I can't spend much on each one, so I use repurposed and inexpensive materials.

Here's what I used on this one: 

- A Cheese Nips box
- Mod Podge
-One piece of scrapbook paper
- Multiple tones of glitter
- Vintage lace
- Small, pre-made rosettes
- Velum quote

- 7/8" ribbon

-Small cup (to mix the Mod Podge and glitter)
-Paint brush

First, get your scissors and box. Yes, my scissors have an F on them. I decided a while back it was smart to put an F on my fabric scissors. Then, when they've gotten too dull and aren't worthy of fabric, the F can stand for a colorful descriptive inappropriate term I like to use frequently that, among other things, means "ruined." Moving along...

Open up your cardboard box along the seams and cut the back and the front from the sides and top.

You'll just have two pieces of cardboard. Minion cardboard, if you're cool.

Pour some Mod Podge onto those bad boys, wipe it around with your paint brush, and glue them together.

I glued mine with the design facing in. Nothing against Minions, but it looks cleaner.

Find the section of scrapbook paper you like and trace around your cardboard directly over it. You can do it on the back of the paper instead, but either way, use a pencil lightly.

See? Easy. NEXT!

Cut out around your tracing. The edges don't have to be absolutely perfect because they'll be covered, but it wouldn't hurt if they were.

Alright, now, get that paint brush and Mod Podge in attack-mode.

Paint a little bit onto the corners of the paper and in the center to make it lay flat and even. We don't want wrinkles!

Lay it flat over the cardboard pieces and smooth it down. It should look like this-

Once that has dried into place, add your lace accent. I used this really fancy vintage lace that was my Gramma's.

Paint under the corners of your lace. If your lace is the same thickness all over, paint a very thin layer on the paper where the lace will be applied and smooth it down.

Make sure to cut your lace long enough to wrap around the edges of your paper and cardboard. Mod Podge it to the back as well.

AGAIN with the Mod Podge! This time, grab your little cup, brush, glitter and the 'Podge.

You want it to be about a 50/50 mixture of Mod Podge and Glitter. *Disclaimer- This is something that seems right to me and I really have no idea how true it is. The mixture should be the consistency of pancake batter, I guess.

Like this. Glitter goo.

I painted my Glitter Goo (new technical term) onto the little spots on the flowers. Depending on your paper, find what you like best. Or really go for it and paint it everywhere. 

Next, take your velum quote, cut it how you want it, and place it how you want it. You're loving all this freedom right now. I get that.

For this step, I used Glitter Goo, which in hindsight, might have been a bad call. But you do whatever floats yer boat, friend. Glitter or plain, use the 'Podge to seal down your velum.

Make sure you smooth it down well and hold it in place. If you have a popsicle stick, that would be ideal for smoothing out bubbles and excess Mod Podge. If not, that's cool too. 

Now is time for the ribbon. I used a glue gun, but Mod Podge would be fine here, too. Cut the ribbon to length to make a frame (two tall, two wide) and attach the long sides first. I glued one end to the back of the frame, then glued along the front as I lined it up.

Then, do the short sides the exact same way.

I had a little bit of extra lace, so I layered it back over in the opposite direction and Mod Podged it down.

This isn't on my original materials list because I didn't plan on using it, originally. I saw it and it matched the pre-made rosettes, so I had to add it. I just did essentially the same thing as the ribbon step, but cut them shorter on the long sides so the shorter sides could wrap around without adding bumps. Make sense? 

Like this...

Now for the little flowers... Aren't they so cute?

Again, I used a glue gun, but Mod Podge would probably do the trick. Put glue on the back of the flowers and place them where you want them.

All done!! That easy. You can really do whatever you want with this project, which is why I think it's so fun! Good luck and share your finished products on Twitter by tweeting @DownwithPlumes!

Close up of the quote...

Hope you had fun!

<3 Bethany

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